We know that many people would like to wish Mike and Linda well on their golden anniversary. We also recognize that traveling to Iron River may not be possible.
We have made it possible for you to send video messages to Mike and Linda instead! The videos will be compiled and shown during the party.
The deadline to submit videos for inclusion in the video message is June 15th, 2022.
Using your mobile device, please film yourself horizontally, in 30 frames per second (fps).
For how to change fps rate on an iphone, click here.​
For how to change fps rate on a samsung galaxy, click here.
We strongly recommend using an area that is well-lit.
Be sure that the light is not behind you, or you will be in silhouette.​
After starting the recording, wait 5 seconds and then begin your message.
Don't forget to introduce yourself!​
When you are finished, please wait 5 seconds and then end the recording.
You will then upload your video to the link below-- just click on the "upload here!" button, and submit. There! You're done! ​​
Do you feel unsure about the technology and would rather meet with us to record? We can do that too! Just email us or let us know in your RSVP that you would like to meet, and we can Zoom with you and record your message.​